We are proud to introduce a brand new product for all those "budding" gardeners out there who grow everything from vegetables to well, you name it!!! 

Presenting, PooTique, an all natural, hormone free, antibiotic free, pesticide free, free of any inorganic additives or heavy metals or pollutants . This completely composted chicken manure can be shipped to you in one quart containers.

One quart of PooTique will produce about 5 gallons of usable liquid fertilizer "tea". 

You can contact Aunt Betsy regarding Poo-T-ique at pootique@gmail.com 


Chicken Manure Fertilizer 

A garden grown organically with organic chicken manure fertilizer,using chicken manure as fertilizer and yield from chicken manure fertilizer will produce superior vegetables in taste, color, and quality.

Manures contain beneficial amounts of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous, the three major nutrients that all plants need to grow. 

Gardening chicken manure makes a good fertilizer and is considered hot manure because it is especially rich in nitrogen. Manure is an agricultural word that ties in directly with the idea of organic gardening. The term manure comes from the old French word manoeuvrer which means to cultivate by manual labor. 

* It is important that garden soil be light and well drained. By adding manure and compost to heavy soil will lighten it from the breakdown of the organic material. 

A typical small flock of from five to ten chickens can produce enough chicken manure for fertilizer to supply your vegetable garden annually. A yearly application of about 45 pounds of manure for every 100 square feet of gardening space will increase soil fertility. 

How to make and use chicken manure 

Fresh manure is not desirable for garden use in the opinion of most gardeners and should be aged before using. Feeding fresh Chicken manure as fertilizer for gardening to growing plants can burn them because it has such high levels of nitrogen. An overabundance of this gas could produce negative plant growth and possibly destroy the plants. 

Chicken manure can be stored and composted. When making chicken manure compost, raw manure should be piled, sprinkled with topsoil, and occasionally turned with a garden fork. Composting stabilizes nitrogen and potash levels and kills bacteria, viruses, and worm eggs. You can purchase a ready made compost bin or design your own. 

Poultry manure should be mixed with at least its own volume of topsoil before it is ready for use in the garden, unless it be spread thinly in the fall and turned under in the springtime. Well-rotted manure typically does not need anything added to for making it beneficial for garden use. With sufficient quantities of chicken manure fertilizer, you are all set for growing a prosperous harvest. 

Hen house and barnyard droppings are mixed with straw, hay, dry grass clippings, sawdust, or shavings to make chicken manure fertilizer. It is important to note that manure that is composted without materials that are carbon based tend to overheat. Manure can be spread directly on the soil then roto-tilled or turned into the soil by hand. Well rotted manure can be applied in spring. Apply and turn fresh manure under in the fall so that it will have time to mature during the winter months. 

Farmyard manures can give off ammonia. If you use fresh chicken manure, the plants may be scorched. Instead, store it for six months to a year in a covered heap or in a closed compost bin. This allows the organic materials to rot and kill any weed seeds as the pile heats. Dig well-rotted manure into the ground for fertilizing vegetables. For example, potatoes thrive on composted manure. 

The best way to grow great tasting and healthy produce is by using chicken manure fertilizer. Poultry manure is the most beneficial of all farmyard manures for your garden. It is particularly rich in nitrogen. Use it sparingly, preferably well rotted with straw. Many traditional gardeners kept fowl to use their manure as garden fertilizer. An old saying was, "In October dung your field, and your land its wealth will yield".


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